Reshard reversetraffic
vtctldclient Reshard reversetraffic #
Reverse traffic for a Reshard VReplication workflow.
vtctldclient Reshard reversetraffic
Examples #
vtctldclient --server localhost:15999 Reshard --workflow cust2cust --target-keyspace customer reversetraffic
Options #
-c, --cells strings Cells and/or CellAliases to switch traffic in.
--dry-run Print the actions that would be taken and report any known errors that would have occurred.
--enable-reverse-replication Setup replication going back to the original source keyspace to support rolling back the traffic cutover. (default true)
-h, --help help for reversetraffic
--max-replication-lag-allowed duration Allow traffic to be switched only if VReplication lag is below this. (default 30s)
--tablet-types strings Tablet types to switch traffic for.
--timeout duration Specifies the maximum time to wait, in seconds, for VReplication to catch up on primary tablets. The traffic switch will be cancelled on timeout. (default 30s)
Options inherited from parent commands #
--action_timeout duration timeout to use for the command (default 1h0m0s)
--compact use compact format for otherwise verbose outputs
--format string The format of the output; supported formats are: text,json. (default "text")
--server string server to use for the connection (required)
--target-keyspace string Target keyspace for this workflow.
--topo-global-root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server (default "/vitess/global")
--topo-global-server-address strings the address of the global topology server(s) (default [localhost:2379])
--topo-implementation string the topology implementation to use (default "etcd2")
-w, --workflow string The workflow you want to perform the command on.
- vtctldclient Reshard - Perform commands related to resharding a keyspace.